In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from functions import loadDatasets, temporalRebins, commonLatLonGrid, spatialRegrids
from functions import computeMetrics, contourPlot
In [2]:
from datetime import timedelta
def compareVariablesWithMetrics(datasetUrls, # URL's pointing to datasets, first one is reference, rest are targets
variableNames, # names of dataset variables, in parallel with first list
metrics, # list of metrics to compute (by name)
outputName, # root name for outputs
timeRes=timedelta(days=365), # time resolution to regrid all variables to
latRes=1., lonRes=1., # lat/lon resolutions to regrid all variables to
subregions=None, # list of subregion boundaries
dir='./'): # directory for outputs, defaults to current working dir
'''Compare multiple target variables to a reference variable, returning the computed metric(s)
after temporally rebinning to a common time resolution and a common spatial (lat/lon) resolution.
datasets = loadDatasets(zip(datasetUrls, variableNames), dir)
datasets = temporalRebins(datasets, timeRes)
newLats, newLons = commonLatLonGrid(datasets, latRes, lonRes)
datasets = spatialRegrids(datasets, newLats, newLons)
metrics = computeMetrics(datasets, metrics, subregions)
return (newLats, newLons, metrics)
In [3]:
from multiprocessing import Pool
def run(urls, vars, outputName, nCores=1, **config):
'''Run compareManyWithMetrics routine.'''
if nCores > 1:
pool = Pool(nCores)
def mymap(f, s): return, s)
def mymap(f, s): return map(f, s) # sequential single-core map function
lats, lons, metrics = compareVariablesWithMetrics(urls, vars, ['Bias'], outputName, timedelta(days=365), 1, 1)
plotFile = contourPlot(metrics[0][0], lats, lons, outputName, **config)
return plotFile
In [4]:
paths = ["/Users/bdwilson/Documents/code/RCMES/Workshop/",
variables = ["tasmax", "tasmax"]
outputName = "wrf_bias_compared_to_knmi"
config = {'gridshape': (4, 5),
'ptitle': 'TASMAX Bias of WRF Compared to KNMI (1989 - 2008)',
'subtitles': range(1989, 2009, 1)}
plotFile = run(paths, variables, outputName, nCores=2, **config)
In [5]:
from IPython.display import Image, display
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